Glimpses of Everyday Life

The “Festa”

The hour clock-hand rushes through the imprecise line of what remains to be done. Usual colors and sounds join in a joyful dispute with the sharp aromas and that peculiar hue of molasses, which permeates everything, in the generosity of happy memories, trickling into crackers… Ler | Read »The “Festa”

“Carreira” Street

A disorderly frenzy, captive to the rush that fades in the alternation between the narrow sidewalk and the uneven floor of the street. The Carreira street is drawn as an infinite line, a broken spear crossing the heart of the city. It is said that… Ler | Read »“Carreira” Street

Up to Monte

Touching the fringes of the perpetual fog, two pinnacles rise like the white arms of a pleading city. The staircase is filled with the vague of continuous prayers, delivered to an omnipresent maternity in the whispers exhaled by the hope of another age. A sacred… Ler | Read »Up to Monte

The Miradouro

The grandson rambles by Eulalia’s steady hand. The possible inheritance is made by short sweet-voice incentives, in that grammar of affections that all children recognize as a haven. In this path with a defined destination, fastened to the certainty of a routine, the voids of… Ler | Read »The Miradouro

Tanoeiros Street

In contrast to the swirling descent of the largest street, right next to the river, a burnished sidewalk gives way to echos, in obedience to the universal scale of the stiffness of each one’s soles. Under the greenish and worn porch, a woman sows some… Ler | Read »Tanoeiros Street